Jackson Healthcare Workforce Initiative provides $1.500万礼物


Transforming healthcare education with Alvin Glick’s legacy

A world-class medical simulation center to educate tomorrow’s healthcare professions in real-life scenarios will become a reality thanks to the caring, foresight and generosity of longtime Jackson businessman, 已故的阿尔文·格利克.

Alro Steel and the Alvin Glick Foundation made a generous $1.5 million donation to 杰克逊的大学 as part of the Jackson Healthcare Workforce Initiative. In a special event Wednesday at the America 1 Credit Union Event Center, donations were announced for 杰克逊的大学, $1.5 million for Spring Arbor University, and $5 million for Henry Ford Health Jackson to support and strengthen the healthcare workforce in our community.

“We are delighted and deeply gratified by the impact that this is going to have sustainably at our institution,”医生说。. 丹尼尔·J. Phelan, president of 杰克逊的大学. “Know that this gift has impact, it has power, it has a future.”

有了这份礼物, 杰克逊的大学 will be able to better educate students in these important fields, 哪些是需求量大的. Co-Interim Chief Academic Officer/Dean of Health Sciences, Careers & Technical Trades Heather Ruttkofsky shared the vision. Imagine a center that fully simulates what nurses and healthcare professionals will find in a hospital — a team environment working with a patient, integrating current and emerging technologies with augmented reality, 虚拟现实, and artificial intelligence (AI) to simulate and bring situations to life. It will be a holistic healthcare setting from birth to death, giving students the opportunity to gain experience through holograms, 高科技模拟器等等.

“We want to create a space where learning no longer appears to be a classroom but instead, 他们真正走进的地方,拉特科夫斯基说. “我对你们大家感激不尽.”

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fdsudlB5oY Presentation: Start at about minute marker 59:30)


杰克逊的大学 currently has nearly 400 students enrolled in healthcare-related fields, and many more working on related prerequisites toward future study.

The College offers a variety of healthcare career programs for students, including:

  • 盟军的健康
  • 心脏超声
  • 口腔卫生
  • 紧急医疗服务
  • 心电图技术员
  • 一般的超声
  • 健康科学基金会
  • 医疗助理
  • 医疗保险编码员/记账员
  • 医务室支持
  • 护理/注册护士
  • 护理/执业护士
  • 病人护理技术员
  • 射线照相法
  • 呼吸治疗
  • 外科手术技术
  • 血管超声

访问 the website to learn more about any program, l78.woodnpackindia.com/academics/.